This is a kids show, dwelling on the faceless people that are getting slaughtered or the threat of imminent death aren't conducive to a positive kid-friendly tone. Holding it to standards like 'they were totally running around outside of cover' or 'they didn't characterize the stormtroopers' are insane. In summary: The show is not mind blowing, but it is a cartoon ostensibly aimed at kids so I wouldn't expect it to be. It's not forging any kind of particular new ground -It's subtly sexist in the same ways everything from Disney is The good: -While it's not doing anything new, it is pleasant and interesting enough to keep my attention -The main character is a likable scamp -Blaster fire, the evil empire, tie fighters, explosions, and moments of cleverness are sprinkled throughout. It prominently features some kind of energy slingshot that has no precedent and just calls to mind Dennis the menace. The bad: -The trailer literally ruins every single plot point of the first couple episodes. This is never a great reason to post a review, but there are about 4 reviews on this page that are insane fanboy drivel and I feel a need to balance them out.