Note: Image Maps are create in the browser no images are uploaded to any server. polygone (finsh the selection of point list for the polygone by a SHIFT-click).(Add Links on Image) Clickable areas on the image can be created as.(Sample Image) Use one of the 4 sample images to explore the features of the Online Image Editor.(WikiMedia) If you want to use a image from wikimedia use the full size URL to the image.(Upload) upload the image to the Online Image Editor that you have already uploaded to WikiMedia.(Select Image) Select the image for which you want to create an image map.No application of regular expressions for replacement the standard image map format for HTML is necessary anymore. The imagemap editor by Adam Maschek was forked to change the export format directly to MediaWiki. The MediaWiki needs the imagemap in a specific format mentioned above. The GIMP output and the output of the Online image map editor looks like commons:Image_talk:Afrotropic-Ecozone-Biocountries-IM.svg#Partial HTML Markup and to make the wiki markup from that it is necessary Use the "href" attribute to create a link, that is displayed when you click on the area.Use the "alt" attribute for what the name for the object that is highlighted on a mouse-over event.it has simple selection tools and when an outline of an area is closed (or double mouse clicked) a dialog shows up that has text boxes for the different image table attributes and instructions.install the GIMP's plug-in for image maps.Watch the Youtube Video about ImageMaps with GIMP by Youtube user TanUv90.you will see a rectangle, and analyse the HTML code.one click on the bottom right of corner.you get the coordinates 500,145,630,525, see image on the right) insert the link to the image in Online image map editor and press the small arrow on the right.then try to create an image for yourself with Online image map editor.to understand the concept of imagemaps try a clickable image on the right first.a list of clickable areas in the image that includes a reference to another web resource,.If you want to create an imagemap, you need.(Javascript ImageMap Editor) A Javascript ImageMap Editor allows a direct generation of imagemap in the mediawiki format (see Online Example).(ImageMaps with GIMP) Learn about Creating and ImageMap with GIMP with a Youtube video by TanUv90.

Click on the people in the painting to get more information and answer the question "who is this?" The image on the right contains an image map.